Category: Community
HC User Spotlight: Lisa L. Tyler
I was recently fortunate enough to ask Dr. Lisa L. Tyler a number of questions regarding her digital project (Virtual Hemingway) as well as her experience as a member of Humanities Commons. Tyler is a professor of English at Sinclair Community College, where she teaches literature, composition, and business communication. Her research interests include modernist literature and intertextual […]
HC User Spotlight: Sarah M. Dreller
For our second Humanities Commons member spotlight, I was fortunate enough to speak with Sarah M. Dreller, PhD, an independent art historian and editor in Chicago whose research focuses on the connections between architecture and modernity since the industrial and scientific revolutions of the late-18th century. Dreller is a particularly interesting person to interview because […]
Survey about User Experience
The HC team would love to hear from users about their experience on the Commons. We’ve created a survey (the link will take you off the Commons network). If you provide your email address in your response, we’ll enter you in a drawing for a Starbucks gift card. There will be ten winners. We hope to […]
HC User Spotlight: The American Literature Anthology Project
Humanities Commons members are building wonderful and creative sites and blogs on our platform. We want to highlight your work, so over the next few months, I will be writing blog posts and conducting interviews to put a spotlight on individual users. We hope that these posts not only serve to celebrate HC members’ creations, […]
Humanities Commons Summer Camp is here!
This week, our free virtual summer camp kicked off with its first challenge: profiles. Led by “head counselor” Caitlin Duffy, this program will suggest a challenge every two weeks to encourage participants to explore the Commons and develop their online identity: HC Summer Camp will give you deadlines and guidance to help you achieve your […]